Greetings everyone and welcome to this week’s study and opinion of Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma as we continue on with Chapter 25. This time we continue to read Pike’s accounts of the ancients beliefs on soul travel, or how souls were thought to enter and leave the body. This time we begin with the beliefs of the ancient Greeks. Now, LET’S READ PIKE! In the ancient doctrine, certain Genii were charged with the duty of conducting souls to the bodies destined to receive them, and of withdrawing them from those bodies. According to Plutarch, these were the functions of Proserpine and Mercury. In Plato, a familiar Genius accompanies man at his birth, follows and watches him all his life, and at death conducts him to the tribunal of the Great Judge. These Genii are the media of communication between man and the Gods; and the soul is ever in their presence. This doctrine is taught in the oracles of Zoroaster: and these Genii were the Intelligences that resided in the planets. Thus the secr...
A weekly study of Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma presented by The Universal Freemason Research Society. Thank you for taking time to study with us! Open and free to all.