Greetings and welcome back to our study and opinion of Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma as we continue on with chapter 25, which is a very long chapter, yet very informative as we study the ancients astrological beliefs, which we find is pertinent to freemasonry today. As we begin, Pike explains thw means in which astrological signs are observed. And now, LET’S READ PIKE! It is to be noticed that when the Sun is in a particular constellation, no part of that constellation will be seen, except just before sunrise and just after sunset; and then only the edge of it: but the constellations opposite to it will be visible. When the Sun is in Taurus, for example, that is, when Taurus sets with the Sun, p. 453 [paragraph continues] Scorpio rises as he sets, and continues visible throughout the night. And if Taurus rises and sets with the Sun to-day, he will, six months hence, rise at sunset and set at sunrise; for the stars thus gain on the Sun two hours a month. Going back to the time when, wa...
A weekly study of Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma presented by The Universal Freemason Research Society. Thank you for taking time to study with us! Open and free to all.