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Showing posts from June, 2016

Part 2 Complete Chapter 25 of Morals and Dogma

here is the rest of the chapter: Idolatry consists in confounding the symbol with the thing signified, the substitution of a material for a mental object of worship, after a higher spiritualism has become possible; an ill-judged preference of the inferior to the superior symbol, an inadequate and sensual conception of the Deity: and every religion and every conception of God is idolatrous, in so far as it is imperfect, and as it substitutes a feeble and temporary idea in the shrine of that Undiscoverable Being who can be known only in part, and who can therefore be honored, even by the most enlightened among His worshippers, only in proportion to their limited powers of understanding and imagining to themselves His perfections, p. 517 Like the belief in a Deity, the belief in the soul's immortality is rather a natural feeling, an adjunct of self-consciousness, than a dogma belonging to any particular age or country. It gives eternity to man's nature, and reconciles its seeming ...

Completing Chapter 25 of Morals and Dogma

Greetings again as we complete Chapter 25 of Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike. This entire chapter has been an overview by Pike of the ancient civilizations views of astrology and astronomy. Admittedly, this chapter has been a difficult chapter to add commentary to as there is little or no room for much interpretation. This has caused a bit of a quandary for me as a writer where I look for inspiration and insight to propel me forward to write out my own ideas. I am having trouble finding either from this chapter because Pike is spelling out everything fairly and very insightfully. Chapter 25 is a wonderful chapter, but I have nothing more to add. So, I am going to post the rest of the chapter today sans my own input, and next week we will start Chapter 26. Feel free to add YOUR comments in the comment section as to what the remainder of this chapter means to you. Now, LET’S READ PIKE! In LIBRA are four Stars of the second and third magnitude, which we shall mention hereafter. They ...