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Showing posts from August, 2016

Chatehism for the Twenty Sixth Degree

      Greetings and welcome back to our (mostly) weekly study and opinion of Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma.         One of the most meaningful parts of any masonic degree is the chatechism for the degree which is delievered in question and answer form and in many cases the candidate for the accompanying degree spends many hours with a coach and he memorizes the answers to the questions he will be subjected to.      This chatechism is the original to this degree and may or may not be used in modern day Scottish Rite degrees. As a mason who has taken an obligation to never reveal the secrets of the goings on in a masonic lodge, I did give this much thought before revealing this, and I decided that this IS public domain, anyway and as an educator of Masonic ideals and philosophy, and as we go forth in our study of Albert Pike, I am making the decision to post this in its entirety so you, the reader, may take time to take the ins...


Greetings and welcome back to The Universal Freemason Research Society’s study and opinion of Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma!     We sincerely appreciate your time spent here and it is our hope that the words of Albert Pike have been meaningful and life changing for you as they have been for us.       We are continuing Chapter 26 this time where Pike is continuing his thoughts regarding “we refuse to believe, because we do not understand."      We left our study and opinion last time with those words and the results of our actions during non-understanding, which is ignorance, which in gnostic thought and in much Masonic thought is indeed DARKNESS.    We seek more  understanding and less  ignorance .    As we continue, Pike spells out more consequences or ignorance and the benefits of belief and understanding.     And now, LET’S READ PIKE!       ...

We Try Not To Believe, Because We Do Not Understand"

    Greetings and welcome back as we continue chapter 26 of Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma!      As we continue, we will find Pike continuing his discourse on the mysteries of deity.       Pike continues to ask a series of rhetorical questions regarding the forms of nature, of self, and of deity.      Without more delay, LET’S READ PIKE!           p. 529 What do we know of Substance? Men even doubt yet whether it exists. Philosophers tell us that our senses make known to us only the  attributes  of substance, extension, hardness, color, and the like; but not the  thing itself  that is extended, solid, black or white; as we know the  attributes  of the Soul, its thoughts and its perceptions, and not the Soul itself which perceives and thinks. What a wondrous mystery is there in heat and light, existing, we know not how, within certain limits, narrow...