Greetings and welcome back as we continue on with Chapter 26 of Morals and Dogma where we will read about the Gnostic teachings of the Demiurge, or the gnostic imperfect god and compare the Demiurge to the higher god, or perfect god. As always, we must remember that as Masons we are seekers of more light, and we should aspire to seek that light, as Manly P. Hall wrote in “The Lost Keys of Freemasonry”, “even if it means we enter into the camp of the enemy to find truth…" On a personal note, I have found my understanding of masonic philosophy much enhanced as I became more familiar with gnostic philosophy. As we read on, we might note that Albert Pike was a great study in gnosticism as well, as the parargraphs we are about to read are very well written and exceptionally informative. Now, LET’S READ PIKE! In one respect all the Gnostics agreed: they all held; that there was a ...
A weekly study of Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma presented by The Universal Freemason Research Society. Thank you for taking time to study with us! Open and free to all.