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Showing posts from November, 2016

And More Regarding Gnostic Thought

Greetings and welcome back to our study and opinion of Albert Pike’s “Morals and Dogma”.    For any of you who are new to this blog, thank you for starting to read with me this very important historical work of Albert Pike. This study and opinion was created as a means to help more people to become interested in reading Morals and Dogma after I found out that many masons (uninititiated and initiated) had never read this life changing work.    This is meant to inspire you to read along and form your own opinions and ideas as I share my own opinions and ideas regarding what the text means to me, and I hope you will take some time during the week and ponder what it means to be alive and inquiring the complexities of this text.     This time we will read more of Pike’s findings about the gnostics and gnostic ideologies.       Pike has written several pages in this chapter regarding the different gnosticism, an...

More Gnostic Thought and Study

Greetings and welcome back to our study and opinion of Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma as we continue on with Chapter 26 where Pike is continuing a discourse on the history of gnostic thought, philosophy, and spiritualism.    On a personal note, my path into freemasonry began with a spiritual path into gnosticism. This was a long journey for me, sampling many different religions along the way, as I either participated in different religions or studied different religions.    This path was arduous, sometimes confusing, but at last I found a freedom inside of gnosyic ideology and within freemasonry in its true form.     I write this to encourage the reader to at least have a good idea regarding gnostic thought as I do believe this helps the individual to more fully understand the symbolism in freemasonry.     As I have been reading and studying and opinionating Pike’s Morals and Dogma these past 2 years, I am convinced that very p...