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Showing posts from March, 2017

Conspiracy Against Liberty

Greetings and welcome as we continue our study and opinion of Albert Pike’s “Morals and Dogma”. We find ourselves today about half way through chapter 29.     Please recall that “Morals and Dogma” was published in 1871 at a time when America was experiencing her own growing pains post civil war, and at the dawn of the coming industrial revolution.     Pike was a General for the Confederate States during the civil war, and after the war Pike was an astute lawyer who very often found himself in court with claims against the established United States government.      It is important to recall these aspects about Pike as we begin our study today, just as it is important to recognize that Pike’s words, though written in the 1800s, are extremely important today as the United States is experiencing a governance unpopular with the majority of the people.     In the past few months we in America ha...

Virtue and Wisdom, Only, Perfect and Defend Man

Greetings, and welcome back to our study of Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma as we continue reading chapter 29.     This time, we find Pike writing about traits that seem to have vanished en masse, and that is virtue and wisdom.      Where we can instantly “look up” facts on our smart phones much quicker than at any time in history by losing the need for volumes of encyclopedias shelved in our home libraries, we have no certain means to instill virtues or hold becoming wise as a lofty goal.     As a society, we fall into the traps of being entertained above being educated, we seek new viral videos before we seek wisdom.      And now, LET’S READ PIKE!        The law hath not power to strike the virtuous, nor can fortune subvert the wise. Virtue and Wisdom, only, perfect and defend man. Virtue's garment is a sanctuary so sacred, that even Princes dare not strike the man that is thus...

Begin Chapter 29 of Morals and Dogma

Greetings and welcome back as we begin chapter 29 of Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike.     This time we will read about the virtues of knighthood and we will examine the importance in history of the cross of St. Andrew.     There is a bit od personal history regarding St. Andrew for me where the main catholic church in my neighborhood in Detroit where I grew up was St. Andrew’s Catholic Church. Though I was not raised catholic, the majority of my neighborhood was catholic and attended that church every Sunday, and many of my friends attended St. Andrew’s Catholic School.    St. Andrew’s Church in my old neighborhood held all sorts of festivals and events where the entire neighborhood would attend and were welcomed no matter what religious persuasion you were. I enjoyed many Halloween events there as a kid in their gymnasium as well as so many fall and summer festivals throughout the year.     Because of my lack of understa...