Greetings Everyone and Welcome to the 31st Chapter of Morals and Dogma. We are almost finished studying and opining this great work of Albert Pike. It has taken about 2 years to get this far in our study. Unfortunately, I lost much of the study (formerly at masonic due to using another blog site that demanded payments that I coud not afford due to paying for cancer treatments instead. Many of those studies are written in The Working Tools Magazine, which I have copies of and will scan and transfer those lessons onto this site after we reach the end of Chapter 32. This time, we begin Chapter 31 as I mentioned, where Pike has written some very valuable lessons for all freemasons. All too often, I believe we forget our purposes as freemasons, where we get busy with Lodge business, and not busy enough with the obligation of being an instr...
A weekly study of Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma presented by The Universal Freemason Research Society. Thank you for taking time to study with us! Open and free to all.