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Showing posts from December, 2016

Happy Holidays!

It's been a wonderful year for The Universal Freemason Research Society as we have continued our study of Albert Pike's "Morals and Dogma" YOU have been exceptionally supportive in our efforts to revive interest in Pike's words and to bring Masonic philosophy into a prominent and positive light in this modern era as a means to bring hope to and improvement to our societies and cultures in which we live all around the world as we improve ourselves individually. This study has been read world wide as we have published new material almost every week. THANK YOU! Thank you for your time and positive words, we are hopeful The Universal Freemason Research Society has been successful in helping on your journey towards more light! In 2017, we are planning on accomplishing some big goals, starting with a quarterly emagazine currently being drafted for release in late January. We will also complete the Morals and Dogma study next year as we will ha...

The Ineptitude of Words

Greetings and welcome back as we continue our study of Albert Pike’s “Morals and Dogma”.       We are continuing on with chapter 26 where this time Pike is reminding us of the shortcomings of language when it come to explaining what is spiritual, and along with the ineptitude of language is the incapacity of the human psyche to depose the idea of the abstract ideas of what is spiritual without comparisons to what is physical.       We are not really shifting from the study of gnostic ideologies as we studied earlier in this chapter, rather the frailty of language is ofyen discussed in gnostic circles as a means of the demiurge to continue to keep mankind in the darkness of ignorance.     But, on the other side of the coin, we do know that words are powerful, building up and tearning down confidence or starting and stopping human destruction caused by war.      We know as we study mysticism that there a...

Manichean Gnostic Philosophy

    Greetings and welcome back as we proceed with chapter 26 of Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike.        We have been learning and opining about gnostic philosophies for the past few entries as chapter 26 is one of the longer chapters in Morals and Dogma, so I hope I have made this chapter worth “staying tuned” for.      I have found that the more I study gnosticism, the more I understand freemasonry so I can understand why Pike took time to write about and teach the different sects of gnostic thought. I also have found that the more I understand about gnosticism, the more similarities I recognize in more mainstream religions.    I cannot say who derived what from whom or who was inspired more from whom as I have not studied enough of the history of mainstream christianity and gnosticism but it is apparent some items are clearly the same.     We are going to study the gnostic pilosophies of the Manichea...