It's been a wonderful year for The Universal Freemason Research Society as we have continued our study of Albert Pike's "Morals and Dogma"
YOU have been exceptionally supportive in our efforts to revive interest in Pike's words and to bring Masonic philosophy into a prominent and positive light in this modern era as a means to bring hope to and improvement to our societies and cultures in which we live all around the world as we improve ourselves individually.
This study has been read world wide as we have published new material almost every week.
THANK YOU! Thank you for your time and positive words, we are hopeful The Universal Freemason Research Society has been successful in helping on your journey towards more light!
In 2017, we are planning on accomplishing some big goals, starting with a quarterly emagazine currently being drafted for release in late January.
We will also complete the Morals and Dogma study next year as we will have read all 32 chapters, but never fear! We will revisit some of the earlier chapters and also include some studies of Manly P. Hall.
The Universal Freemason You Tube channel will see more production as we explore all sorts of Masonic symbolism, and how that symbolism can help you in your daily life.
We will also be delving into some mystic themes from studies and texts of Rosicrucianism!
Is there any aspects of masonry or mysticism YOU would like to see explored by The Universal Freemason Research Society?
Let us know by email at
Be safe as you celebrate the holidays!
Peace, Love, and Joy to you all and thanks for your support!
Johnny T. Asher
President and Founder
The Universal Freemason Research Society
My Lodge Has Beautiful Ornaments! But What Do They Mean? Posted on February 28, 2013 by jtasher Greetings everyone and welcome as we study now pages 14-18 of Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma. Here Pike is describing more of the interior of the lodge room and explaining the meanings of what is symbolized by what is called the ORNAMENTS of the lodge room. We will proceed a little differently tonight. I will post a paragraph or two at a time as we begin rather than posting all of the pages first then reposting and opining again. Let me know if you like this structure better. Here we go! The ORNAMENTS of a Lodge are said to be “the Mosaic Pavement, the Indented Tessel, and the Blazing Star.” The Mosaic Pavement, chequered in squares or lozenges, is said to represent the ground-floor of King Solomon’s Temple; and the Indented Tessel “that beautiful tesselated border which surrounded it....
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