Greetings Everyone! The last post found us on page 591 of Morals and Dogma and about a quarter of the way through chapter 28. As I read through the remainder of chapter 28, I am finding that Pike defines very well the nature of the gods of the ancients and their relationships to us in this modern day. I am not able to add much more to his text regarding the ancient gods, so I will ask my readers to go forward and explore chapter 28 yourselves and come away with an inspiration that I am having trouble finding in this point and time on my journey. I am currently studying chapter 29, and am inspired by that text, so the next time I post I will be skipping ahead to chapter 29, and together we will read on from there. We are 4 chapters from completing Morals and Dogma. This has been a three year project for me to read, study and write my opinion...
A weekly study of Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma presented by The Universal Freemason Research Society. Thank you for taking time to study with us! Open and free to all.