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Regarding Finishing Chapter 28 of Morals and Dogma

    Greetings Everyone!
        The last post found us on page 591 of Morals and Dogma and about a quarter of the way through chapter 28. 
        As I read through the remainder of chapter 28, I am finding that Pike defines very well the nature of the gods of the ancients and their relationships to us in this modern day. I am not able to add much more to his text regarding the ancient gods, so I will ask my readers to go forward and explore chapter 28 yourselves and come away with an inspiration that I am having trouble finding in this point and time on my journey.
  I am currently studying chapter 29, and am inspired by that text, so the next time I post I will be skipping ahead to chapter 29, and together we will read on from there.
  We are 4 chapters from completing Morals and Dogma. This has been a three year project for me to read, study and write my opinion, and I can only hope it has been meaningful to more than just myself. Frankly, I am looking forward to finishing this project with a target date of August 2017.
  Then I will reflect on what is next for Universal Freemason Research Society. 
  There is a lack of people such as myself in masonic circles that want to contribute to research and studies of masonic philosophies. 
  Masonic publications have been drying up, it seemed to begin with the magazine I wrote for “The Working Tools Masonic Magazine” and has progressed to the recent closing of I believe a publication called “Living Stones”. 
  Have you taken time to notice the thinning of Heredom? (for you Scottish Rite Research Society members). 
  Where the hell are the masons who are not afraid to contribute to the greater good of masonry? Where are the writers and philosophers?
   Where are the artists? 
   I believe the answer lies within the lack of support the average mason gives to projects that rely monetary contributions from the people partake in the fruits of projects such as this.
  I have offered several methods myself in which people can buy simple little objects (stickers, glow in the dark sqaure and compasses, etc.) to support the work at Universal Freemason, but there is usually little to no interest from the average mason in offering any sort of monetary support. 
 That is why the magazines we all loved, the masonic artist has put away his tools, the masonic writer has moved on to projects that pay, and now there is a large void that exists that YOU and I have made because we have deep pockets and short arms.
  I leave you to ponder what you want from projects such as this, and to ponder how you might support all things masonic such as this to keep it going.
    See you next time.


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