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An Update on New Activity Coming Up

Greetings Everyone! It has been several years since I went on my journey deciphering Albert Pike's "Morals and Dogma" and I am grateful that so many of you went along with me on my journey. I started the weekly study at a time when I was newly diagnosed with bladder cancer, and subsequently at a time when I was not really sure how much longer I was going to live. This uncertainty certainly made me anxious and made me realize that possibly I had not left much behind me as a "legacy", per se. Or worse yet, I started to wonder just how much in my life at that point I had done to try to make a positive difference. There was no thought of what committing to such a task could do for ME, rather it was always my intention to try to leave something for society to ponder and think about and hopefully to USE in daily life. It was indeed a committment, every week when I was able or maybe should NOT have been able, fighting cancer, fresh from immuno therapy treatments, surgeries (over a dozen) to try to stay alive, I was making sure to study and write these opinions every Friday night, which changed to every Sunday morning. As I started this study, I also at the same time was writing for for THE WORKING TOOLS MASONIC MAGAZINE. My pay for that was a subscription, I did not ask for money or expect any money, I found it a way to leave something behind. Human behavior in groups is always a fickle thing to endure. While I was both fighting for my life and committing to my writing the people I thought would have been more supportive actually turned out to be the most vindictive and apt to gossip about me, while also expecting some attendances that there was no way I could commit to in my condition. It was a hell of a time! And I matured a lot through it and learned a lot about human nature that my naivety did not anticipate. I am pleased to report that I obviously made it throught major bladder cancer surgery, still thriving and have been podcasting until earlier this year when some health setbacks and mental health issues (panic attacks) has me on a hiatus, but I will be back. I just wanted to step in for a moment to tell you all I appreciate you. Thank you for reading Morals and Dogma with me and giving me a purpose to live in that timeframe, and a reason to forget about my own perils while hopefully somehow I enriched your life and thoughts. Watch this space for more in the coming weeks! Sept 12, 2024 In Salt Lake City Col. JT Asher, Kentucky Colonel


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Greetings and welcome back to The Universal Freemason Research Society’s study and opinion of Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma!     We sincerely appreciate your time spent here and it is our hope that the words of Albert Pike have been meaningful and life changing for you as they have been for us.       We are continuing Chapter 26 this time where Pike is continuing his thoughts regarding “we refuse to believe, because we do not understand."      We left our study and opinion last time with those words and the results of our actions during non-understanding, which is ignorance, which in gnostic thought and in much Masonic thought is indeed DARKNESS.    We seek more  understanding and less  ignorance .    As we continue, Pike spells out more consequences or ignorance and the benefits of belief and understanding.     And now, LET’S READ PIKE!          His Universe; would fain  see  and  talk  to Him face to face, as man talks to man: and we try not to  believe , beca